This page was last updated: 22nd January 2021
Coping strategies for everyone
The constant new barrage of developments regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus can cause particular challenges for adults and children who have pre-existing anxiety disorders. Anxiety UK give advice on how to manage the increased anxiety created by coronavirus, including the APPLE technique (Acknowledge, Pause, Pull back, Let go, Explore). They have since added a second page with further suggestions for coping.
Obsessed? Frightened? Wakeful? War in Ukraine sparks return of doomscrolling. As happened with Covid, the compulsive need to keep up with the Russian invasion is taking a toll on our mental health
Members of the British Association of Counselling and Psychology share their tips and strategies to help you cope with the mental health impacts of the current global situation. There are links throughout to further information.
The sudden disruption and uncertainty caused by coronavirus is very stressful for most people, especially young people and families, and we need to make sure we do the small things to look after ourselves and the ones around us. Here are some useful ways to help cope with stress we may be experiencing frem The Children's Society.
Here are 10 ways from the NHS' mental health resource for adults, Every mind matters, to help improve your mental health and wellbeing if you are worried or anxious about the coronavirus outbreak. For specific tips and advice while staying at home, read their advice on maintaining your mental wellbeing while staying at home.
Infectious disease outbreaks, like coronavirus, can be scary and can affect our mental health. While it is important to stay informed, there are also many things we can do to support and manage our wellbeing during such times. The Mental Health Foundation some tips to help you, your friends and your family to look after your mental health at a time when there is much discussion of potential threats to our physical health. They also have a great page on random acts of kindness during the coronavirus outbreak
Mind has a page packed with ideas for coping with coronavirus if you have to self-isolate/stay at home and avoid contact with other people. It includes practical advice, such as preparing in advance for a period of isolation, making dure you eat, drink and
Evidence suggests that a small improvement in wellbeing can help to decrease some mental health problems and also help people to flourish. In 2008, the New Economics Foundation developed Five ways to wellbeing, and they have now updated this information to apply to the coronavirus crisis. If you want to read the report about the evidence base around the inclusion of the five five ways, you can do here.
You know switching off the news and getting lost in a book for a while would be good for you, but you're struggling to concentrate. Writers at Penguin feel the same way. Here's some things they've found can help.
So much about coronavirus is outside of our control. Not just the virus itself, but all the other aspects of life that might be impacted, from work and finances to socialising and travel. Give yourself credit as you cope with this tough time and recognise that dealing with this challenge can make you more resilient. At times like this, it can be helpful to remember that there are things you can do to deal with the uncertainty. ReachOut, an Australian mental health organisation for young people and their parents, offer nine suggestions you can try. They also suggest 10 ways to take care of yourself during coronavirus.
Rethink has a coronavirus and mental health hub to provide practical support and information that is useful for people living with, or supporting people with mental illness. They will update this page as more information becomes available, but it includes information and advice for people living with mental illness such as how to manage your mental health and top tips on managing your mental mental health during the coronavirus outbreak, and looking after your physical health; as well as information and advice on looking after someone with a mental illness.

Ukraine conflict: How to help yourself, your kids, and others