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This page was last updated: 23rd June 2020

Information about the war in Ukraine for children and young people


This graphic was designed to help you cope with anxiety about Covid, but many of the principles apply to anxiety about the war in Ukraine.


Here are some tips on how to cope with the overwhelming feelings you may have about the current situation in Ukraine


CBBC's website has lots of information about coronavirus and should answer many of your questions about the virus, where it came from, how it has spread and, importantly, what government and medical officials are doing about it. There are also videos you can watch.


There’s been a lot of news about Russia invading Ukraine, and how other countries might respond. It’s natural to be worried or upset when you see things in the news, but Childline here to support you. If you’re struggling with what you’re seeing in the news, there are things you can do to help:


DOGOnews is based in America and is the online international source of current events for students, teachers and schools. Written at the start of the war, this article explains to young people the history behind the conflict; why did Russia decided to invade Ukraine now; what the world doing to try and stop the invasion;  and how are the people of Ukraine holding up.


Information from Mind for young people who are worried about coronavirus and want to know how to cope with changes to their lives. was created by a teacher in America to make the news accessible to kids. They carefully choose high interest stories appropriate to the audience, and present them in a way that is easy to understand. This is a short article of 'fast facts' about COVID-19, with unusual words explained by clicking or tapping on them.

Reach can help you understand your rights to support at school in Scotland. They give advice to help you cope better with the changes and understand what coronavirus might mean for you and your learning, including tips from teachers about learning from home, tips on concentrating when learning from home, and how to stay safe online.

Meic is the advocacy, information and advice helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales. They have a page of information for children and young people concerned about coronavirus. including mental health: staying in controlputting things Into perspective, not panicking about the virus, and tips to keep calm.


NPR is an American, independent, nonprofit media organisation. On this page you can listen to a 3-minute radio story explaining the coronavirus and read a short comic based on the recording.

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The world is pretty topsy-turvy right now, because of the global panic around coronavirus. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed by it all, be reassured that this is a very normal response. However, it’s important to go easy on yourself and to take time for self-care. Reach Out, an Australian mental health organisation for young people,  put together this list of self-care activities that you can do from home.


You may have seen on the news that's lots of adults have been contacting helplines because of violence in their home as a consequence of everyone being cooped up together.  This can be very distressing if you are seeing this happen. The Hideout, from the domestic violence charity Women's Aid, provides information about domestic abuse for children and young people.

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Basic information about coronavirus for d/Deaf young people including videos from Sign Health with sign language and subtitles from information translated from Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care

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As well as a page on understanding coronavirus, The health crisis caused by coronavirus has escalated a lot in the past few days and The Mix knows this can be very worrying. With schools and workplaces closing and lots of people being told to stay at home, the rapid changes to normal life can leave you feeling confused, disorientated and anxious. The  Mix is providing up-to-date and trustworthy information and advice as often as they can, including a whole range of issues linked to coronavirus and its impact, starting with the latest health advice and a guide to how to protect yourself and others, and what to do if you should become ill.


If the current news on the coronavirus is making you feel worried, anxious, concerned or stressed,YoungMinds suggest some things you can do. There are special pages on coping if your OCD or eating disorder s being made worse by the coronavirus pandemic.

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It’s easy to feel a bit overwhelmed and scared by everything you’re hearing about coronavirus right now. Find out more about what's happening and the simple steps you can take to help prevent catching coronavirus and spreading to others from Young Scots. Also find out more about what you can do if you are feeling anxious and worried, and how you can support others in your community. The vast majority of the information is useful for anyone, not just if you live in Scotland.


Coronavirus advice for students and young people. If you’re feeling anxious because of the news or wondering what you should be doing right now, Youth Employment UK are here to help. Includes information on looking after your mental health, ways to cool off when you are stuck inside, and ways to stay motivated and away from social media.


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A children's guide to coronavirus from the Children's Commissioner.

Self-care kit - lots of activities and ways to keep healthy, feel your feelings and ways to relax.

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Book to help younger children understand coronavirus and the lockdown in the UK.


Coming to terms with school changes linked to corona-virus - a guide for Year 6 pupils.

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This book talks about why we're staying inside, what we can do - like washing our hands, and the fact this isn't forever, and hope.


Frankie the Phoenix explains what he has learnt about coronaviris (COVID-19),


Question and answers about self-isolation for kids.


Maintaining good mental health during COVID-19.

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A poster for you to print off, colour and display in your window.

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A storybook to help you understand how to cope with the pain and grief when someone you love dies.

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A story about why we need to stay at home for nursery and infant school children.

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The Phoenix Family activity pack - things to draw and colour about the lockdown.

Journals and workbooks

You can write about your coronavirus fears n this worry journal then and think about ways to make yourself feel better or talk about them to your mum, dad or carer. From Words for life.

Frankie the Phoenix (see the storybook above) wrote this workbook for  you after his granddad died from coronavirus and his mum helped him with his grief and understand some of his feelings. The workbook is really hard to work through - it might take you a week or two to complete.

You are living through history right now. Take a moment to fill in these pages for your future self to look back on. You can also show it to any future children and grandchildren you may have!

This worksheet from the NCBC {National Centre for Behaviour Change) wants us to start considering that often our thoughts cause our body to react in a way as if that thought is really happening or is an actual threat to us in this moment and we want to start being able to train the brain to be able to challenge these in order to manage our anxiety responses in a different way.

A diary for you to complete between the times when you don’t get to see your doctors or nurses as often as you would like. You can write or draw your feelings and your questions and some of the fun things you're doing at home.

Mental health

COVID-19 is a storm. Changing the world around us, taking up vision and our time. One page comic with questions about coping with cononavirus.

Tips for teens from Stem4 on managing anxiety over the coronavirus outbreak

A resource pack for teenagers to help manage difficult feelings about coronavirus

A resource pack for teenagers to help manage difficult feelings about coronavirus

Keep calm, stay connected, be safe. Bullet point advice from the National Youth Agency and UK Youith.

Although these tips have been written for autistic young people, they can be used by any young person who is worrying about the coronavirus.

For teenagers facing life changes due to the outbreak who are feeling anxious, isolated and disappointed, know this: you are not alone. Unicef spoke with expert adolescent psychologist, best-selling author and monthly New York Times columnist Dr. Lisa Damour about what you can do to practice self-care and look after your mental health.


If you are involved in a family court case during the pandemic, family courts know that court proceedings are important to you and your family and answer some of questions. that children are asking them

You are being asked to to wash your hands, not touch your face, stay home, and keep at least 2 metres from people if you go out to exercise. This is being asked of you even though most young people will be fine. By doing it you will save lives, and contribute something to society that is really meaningful.

Recently, the UK government cancelled all public examinations, with teacher assessment based on tests and predicted grades set to replace exam grades. Concerns about this change and uncertainty around what the next steps might be in the future can be stressful. Here are some answers to common questions and worries surrounding the cancellation of exams.

Tips for young people who have to social distance or self-isolate due to coronavirus from Stem4.

There are lots of books for children and teenagers to help you manage your feelings

at this time. Please see our coronavirus book page for some suggestions.

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