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This page was last updated: 24th June 2020

Videos and resources about coronavirus (COVID-19) for children and young people

Make sure you get all the sleep you need. - mums, dads and carers too!

Videos for pre-school children

A child friendly song explaining how to wash your hands from the NHS.

Let's keep our hands clean and sanitized to beat the virus! Let's doo doo doo doo it together with Baby Shark and Shark Family!

Cartoon animation helps to explain why, when and how hands should be washed with signing. Not coronavirus specific. With signing.

Washing hands is very important. Evie at the CBeebies House has a very special song to help small children wash their hands properly.

A resource pack for teenagers to help manage difficult feelings about coronavirus

A children's story about social distancing.

Videos for primary school children

A video for younger children that helps explain what coronavirus is, and that you shouldn't believe some of the silly things some people are saying. It also explains why you should keep a safe distance from other people.

Video that explains the importance of washing your hands. Please note that you should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and not 15 seconds as it says in the video.

It can be scary to hear about a disease outbreak, but learning the facts about COVID-19 can help ease your mind.

Dr Michelle Dickonson (Nanogirl) explains coronavirus to children in a way you can understand.

This movie uses PLAYMOBIL to help explain in a way that children can understand what is happening right now, what we can all do to ease the situation, and why it so important to avoid contact with other children and adults.

ROBert explains why keeping our distance and staying at home are so important. It makes a really big difference. Keeping our distance will make sure that the corona virus spreads much more slowly.

First News.png

First News have made a video for children about coronavirus. It gives you lots of information, as well as talking to children around the world about how the pandemic is affecting them. Just click on the logo. There is also a video that teaches you how to wash your hands properly.

Children everywhere are now being told to stay home from school. Adults everywhere are unsure how to explain something that we are struggling to comprehend ourselves, so Sophie's Stories wrote this story to try and support you all with this daunting task. You are all superheroes.

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak can be a scary time for kids. So Alder Hey Children's Hospital  have created a handy short video to explain what it is and how it works.

Cleaning commonly touched surfaces is really important, even if you’re washing your hands all the time and trying to not touch your face. It can still be surprising to see how quickly germs can spread from just one or two people to all over a room. This video science experiment by is an excellent demonstration to see how germs like coronavirus spread. 

Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water. This is the very best way to kill viruses like coronavirus. But why? What’s happening on our hands when we use soap and water? And why do we have to wash with soap for 20 seconds? Why not ten?

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust developed a short anmination for young children to help them better understand coronavirus.

"What is coronavirus? How do you prevent it? And when will we be able to go back to school?" Nickelodeon Town Hall answers these questions and more from real kids like you on how to navigate all of the recent changes to our daily lives! Kristen Bell talks to kids and medical experts for some tips on social distancing, ways to keep safe and healthy, and fun activities to enjoy at home.

Why do people at the hospital look different?What are they wearing? A visual guide to the things doctors and nurses may wear to keep everyone safe during the coronavirus outbreak. We're still the same smiley faces underneath.

Video version of an online comic about coronavirus for children created by NPR, an American news network.

The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly: coronavirus and me by Ana Gomez.

Watch an immersive storytelling performance of the children’s book Ruby’s Worry to celebrate World Book Day 2020.

Videos for teenagers

Hand washing video more suited to teenagers as it is based on humour but shows the importance of washing your hands for at least 20 seconds to kill bacteria.

For older teenagers who love science, what actually happens when coronavirus infects a human and what should we all do? This video tells all. And if you are REALLY into science, check out their website.

Physical Distancing? Coronavirus questions? Canadian Kids News contributor Saara Chaudry explains what physical distancing is and why it’s important during the coronavirus outbreak.

A talk for kids who suffer from OCD or anxiety by Natasha Daniels, a child and adolescent therapist, as to how to cope with the 'new normal' that we are all experiencing during the coronavirus outbreak.

A short video from the World Health Organisation (WHO) about coronavirus.



Do you have questions about coronavirus? Tumble have got answers. Coronavirus is probably affecting your life right now, and it can seem scary and complicated to understand. That’s why they collected questions from listeners, and got an expert to answer them. They asked Dr. Juan Dumois, an infectious disease paediatrician, these questions and more: 


NB Since this podcast was recorded, the rules have changed. You should not hug grandparents. In fact, you should not spend any time with them at all in order to reduce the risk of them catching the virus.

There are lots of books for children and teenagers to help you manage your feelings

at this time. Please see our coronavirus book page for some suggestions.



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