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Child and adolescent mental health

Useful websites for professionals - general


The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health aims to raise standards in the understanding and management of child mental health issues. Its membership comprises a diverse group of clinicians, practitioners and world-leading child mental health researchers, working across an array of child and adolescent mental health domains. They are committed to sharing information and best practice across the UK. They aspire to become a major portal, access point for anyone seeking the most expertly digested understanding and interpretations of the best evidence available.



The Evidence Based Practice Unit is a child and youth mental health research and innovation unit based at UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences and the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families. Its vision is for all children and young people's wellbeing support to be informed by real-world evidence so that every child thrives, and its mission is to bridge the worlds of academic research and clinical practice to ensure that training, tools and support are informed by the latest evidence.


EBPU’s research includes evaluating real-world interventions, undertaking epidemiological studies, systematic reviews and data linkage. The research focuses on four areas related to children’s mental health and wellbeing: risk, resilience, change and choice. They publish a variety of materials including academic articles and book chapters, resources for professionals, resources for children and young people, and project reports. 


An Australian initiative for professionals in a health, social or community service setting who works with children (aged 0 – 12 years), with adults who are parents/carers, or with families. There is an abundance of resources to download and free online training courses.

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MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people's mental health for all adults. This is for you if you volunteer, work or are studying to work with infants, children or teenagers. MindEd has e-learning applicable across the health, social care, education, criminal justice and community settings. It is aimed at anyone from beginner through to specialist.  MQ stands for mental health and quality of life - two things we believe we can transform through research. 

MQ stands for mental health and quality of life - two things they believe they can transform through research. Their vision is simple: to create a world where mental illness is understood, effectively treated, and ultimately prevented. #


A major new programme is to tackle mental health conditions where they begin – in young people, investing in a world-leading programme of research, bringing together scientists, clinicians, people with experience of mental health problems and partner organisations to address three of the most pressing challenges in young people’s mental health: understanding how mental illness develops; learning how to identify which young people are most at risk; and developing effective interventions for young people and ensuring they are delivered in practice.

Nip in the Bud® was set up to encourage awareness about mental health disorders in young children. These relatively common problems which begin in childhood and adolescence can have wide-ranging and long-lasting effects, affecting a child’s relationships, their educational attainment and job opportunities. The films are intended to be watched by parents and professionals, and include anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, PTSD and conduct disorders. There are accompanying fact sheets.

raising children au.png primarily provide free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help families grow and thrive together, but they also have a dedicated area on their website with mental health resources for professionals to help them support parents and carers in raising happy, healthy children and teenagers.


stem4 is a teenage mental health charity aimed at improving teenage mental health by stemming commonly occurring mental health issues at an early stage. Young people have just as much right to accessing facts about good mental health as they do good physical health, and yet there is a lack of accurate information. Embarrassment or social stigma surrounding mental health issues can so easily lead to confusion with what may be normal development, as opposed to the early development of a mental health issue. By raising awareness, sharing information on how to recognise early warning signs and by providing effective strategies in how to deal with them, we aim to identify and stem these conditions early on.


There is information on eating disorders, self-harm, depression and anxiety, and addiction for teens, friends, parents, schools and professionals.



The LGA is the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve local government.


Helping children and young people to fulfil their potential is a key ambition of all councils, but services that can support them to do so are under increasing pressure. We cannot carry on like this. Our children should be getting the best – not just getting by. Bright Futures: CAMHS is the LGA's call to Government to prioritise child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing.

Woman Tutoring Child
Education professionals


Students of Cape Cornwall School worked on creating a video to help adults approach young people in relation to mental health.


Young people with mental health problems discuss the difficulties of being heard in a world where adults make decisions that will undoubtedly affect their futures without allowing them to be involved.




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