This is an evolving website that aims to bring together sources of online information about the mental health and wellbeing of kids of all ages for parents and carers, professionals, and kids themselves.

Throughout this website, clicking on pictures, logos, buttons or unlined hypertext will take you to an external website, with exception of the two photos below which take you to another page on this website.

Supporting child refugees from Ukraine - COMING SOON
Thousands of children from Ukraine are expected to seek refuge in the UK. They may arrive with their mother and live with relatives, or may live with people they don't know who have volunteered to host them. Other children may arrive unaccompanied and will be looked after by relatives in the UK or a foster family. All the children will have experienced a degree of trauma, but for for many the trauma will be severe. Click on the photo for resources to help you support these children at home and in school. There is also information about Ukraine for those of you who have limited knowledge about what it was like to live in Ukraine before the war, their culture, and way of life.
Supporting British children - COMING SOON
Children in the UK may be very frightened about the war in Ukraine. By clicking on the soldier you will find information and resources to help you talk about the war with them, and how to support them. Some will be joined by child refugees and they will need explanations about what the children have gone through, as well as information about what trauma is and how it may impact the children who will be joining /have joined their family.
The content of this website is for information only. The pages provide links to other websites and their inclusion is not intended to, and does not, amount to advice which you should rely on. They are not in any way an alternative to specific advice. You should talk to the relevant professional (eg GP, CAMHS worker, or other specialist) before taking, or refraining from, any action based on the information in these webpages or websites linked to.
Everyone has mental health, just as they do physical health, and children and young people (C&YP) are no exception.
Here you will find information about all aspects of child and adolescent mental health for parents/carers, professionals and kids themselves. There are links to a huge variety of websites about C&YP's mental health, helplines you can call, as well as links to information about specific mental health conditions and allied topics. You will also find plenty of free resources to read, watch or download.
As with all areas of this website, this area is still under development but more information will be coming soon.